Les FemmesAWARDS

Lamplighter Award given to those fostering the light of truth in a dark world:

To Bishop Raymond Burke for his courage in taking the politically incorrect step of barring pro-abortion politicians from Holy Communion. His action underscores that you cannot profess to be Catholic while supporting abortion and euthanasia. May admonishing these public sinners bring them and many other rebellious souls back to full Communion with Holy Mother Church. We ask that missionary Bishop St. John Neumann intercede for Bishop Burke as he evangelizes in the wasteland.

To Fr. William Aitcheson who called a spade a spade at the January 12th GTBT meeting. While the bishops look to “safe environments” programs, Father identified what really needs to be done. Quoted by Washington Post reporter Caryle Murphy he said, “Until we go into the seminaries and root out the homosexuals and dissenters, we will not get at the root of the problem” of child sex abuse. Amen! May St. Peter Damien who fought to remove sodomite priests from ministry in the 11th century pray for Fr. Aitcheson and all clergy who speak out and fight against this terrible scourge.

To Fr. John de Celles who composed the letter from the Arlington priests supporting the ancient tradition of mandatory celibacy. As renegade priests vomit their dissent, this effort gains in importance. [See letter at www.catholicmediacoalition.org] May St. Francis de Sales who answered God’s call to “Leave everything and follow me,” pray for Father and his companions. [Les Femmes thanks God for our faithful clergy and echoes the statement of a priest who commented after the first priests’ meeting on GTBT, “I was never so proud of my brother priests.”]

To Fr. David Mullen who told Archbishop Sean O’Malley he could not in good conscience “betray” his people by allowing “Talking about Touching” in his parish. We ask the help of Bl. Fr. Louis Orione for Father Mullen. Among Bl. Louis’ prolific ministries were many for God’s littlest lambs.

Millstone Award given to those who through ignorance or malice scandalize God's people:

To the Chicago & Rochester priests whose call to dissent is promoting the sodomite agenda. May teenage saint, Dominic Savio, model of chastity, intercede for their conversion to holy priesthood.

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